From: John Osborne (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 22:31:53 PST
I was successful getting an address card from a Palm (something or
other) today but wasn't able to beam TO the Palm in a replay of my
problems beaming to a PockePC. Greg and others have suggested that I
get something called PeaceMaker installed on the PoPC to make all of
this work/
IMO., peacemaker is not the answer to this connection problem. While
Peacemaker make solve the technical problem with my buddy's PocketPC,
I can't carry around a CD (or memory stick/card) to install this
software on any and all PocketPCs I happen to meet. Beaming to a
PocketPC should just work. If it doesn't just work from a Newton, it's
just one more reason for the PDA crowd to dismiss the platform as "has
been" technology. Unfortunately, the Newton community is going to have
to adapt to the PocketPC/Palm world not the other way around.
I'm a programmer but I don't program so close to the hardware as others
on this list seem facile at doing. Because, a pocket PC (and a Palm)
can beam to a Newton and the Newton is using irOBEX, the sending
PocketPC must be able to use that file transfer protocol. Right? The
failure to be able to send via the same mechanism strikes me as a bug
in the Newton implementation of OBEX. Please don't take this as
criticism of Echkart's incredible contribution to the platform--he is
my list idol. I'm hoping Eckhart will respond to this message and lets
us know whether he thinks the time out problem on sending can be fixed.
On Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 10:44 AM, Gregory J. Wayman wrote:
> Says it will send and recieve Beams from a palm, so with obex on your
> Newt it
> should work (the link above)
> Good luck, Greg
> John Osborne wrote:
>> Is the lack of OBEX support on the PocketPC the issue? I can receive
>> files
>> from the PocketPC just fine using Eckhart's irOBEX--I thought that
>> would mean
>> that the PocketPC must support some kind of OBEX--at least for
>> sending files.
>> I'm confuded.
>> oz
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