From: Berthe M. Willumsen (
Date: Sun Feb 29 2004 - 04:59:44 PST
I mean aside from what I get from SysErr:
-1: qErr queue element not found during deletion *OR*
-1: smTruncErr Truncation indicator alone is wider than the specified width
what does it mean, what does it say about why NCU stops?
Denmark, MP2100
At 21:42 +0100 28/02/04, Berthe M. Willumsen wrote:
>I have good NCU connection over wireless 128 WEP....
>I can use the Macs keyboard to write on Newton. I can install packages.
>I cannot syncronize (-1 error if initiated from the Mac).
>I can also cannot export - I get to: select all - stops with error (
>-1) or, if I chose select, the ( -1) error appears before the content
>of the Newt is displayed for me to chose a note from ....
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