From: Ronald Uphoff (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 05:07:03 PST
I have had trouble from time to time connecting to Earthlink with my
Newton. The trouble seems to be related to the access number. The
number I had used at home for my Mac did not work for my Newton (or my
Airport). I emailed Earthlink customer support about the problem, and
they sent me a non-published number to use. The new number worked for
my Newt but not for my Airport.
The number I use where we vacation works for my Newt and Airport. I
don't know how many times I checked and reset the settings on my Newt
and Airport before I discovered differences in access numbers. Does
anyone have some insight to offer?
Ron Uphoff
On Sunday, January 4, 2004, at 12:17 AM, Dale Steele wrote:
> I have not been using my modem or traveling much recently. This week
> I was in a remote location and had trouble sending email with
> SimpleMail using my normal Earthlink settings. I did have a different
> modem, (33/6 HP) but think the problem was more with settings or some
> change that I wasn't able to solve. Anybody out there using Earthlink
> that can offer me the current settings to check against what I've got.
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