Re: [NTLK] re The Twelfth day of Christmas, and I'm somewhat puzzled.

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Tue Jan 06 2004 - 13:32:03 PST

>Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 15:32:43 +0200
>From: lvr <>
>Subject: [NTLK] re The Twelfth day of Christmas, and I'm somewhat puzzled.
>DJ Vollkasko typed:
>--Somebody solve the puzzle for me, pls.
>One solution (maybe???):
>1st DOC= 21Dec=Shortest DOY (N Hemisphere)=Sun coming back= Great
>jubilation for pagan religions
>12th DOC=01Jan=NY(ear)!=Great jubilation (YA)

Interesting theory! Any other ideas, folks?

>---"... clocking in at a solid 620 pages on Newton Classic format..."
>How about a Newton book on speedreading?

No, don't speedread! Enjoy, savour, take delight in smart phrasing and
delicious by-words that only on second glance reveal their beauties!
D.o.n.'t. rush yerself, esp. with so delightful a fare as Adventures of
Gerard! Read no more than one adventure per day, or you'll feel really
sorry. Anyhow you're free to read that book again (and again and again).

>Thanks for all the efforts in bringing (free) books to the masses (+2000).

You're most welcome, sir! Where you're located, Les - Zaire? Africa - makes
me think of all the Quatermain-tales I haven't read yet...


That man 'Kasko.

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