[NTLK] More White Noise, oh well... (was not Re: Canadian complaints tax)

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 10:05:14 PST

>From: Anil <anil_at_thisiswhatwedo.com>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Canadian copyright tax
>Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 18:43:51 +0000
>I would love too, but Poutine hasn't hit the UK yet, get writing to
>your MP's and get then to start exporting double quick.
>On Jan 17, 2004, at 18:28, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> > on 17/01/04 13:24, Anil at anil_at_thisiswhatwedo.com wrote:
> > [snip!]
> >> Kind regards.
> >>
> >> Anil.
> >
> > OK, points taken.
> >
> > But, there is only one question remaining: have you ever tried poutine?
> >
> > -Laurent.

Oi, wotz dat white noise doing here? Can't complain of stuff and do the
same, too. ;=}
Besides, how about some Pommes Pont Neuf?

>Perhaps it is time to elect a new administrator? Someone who will
>consider everybody. And not just users who have been around a long

Notice that this place is not a democracy, Anil. It's owned and run by Don
Vico, the same shady near-monopolist operator who also fully controls UNNA.
I guess that means The Family has got a nice bit of Newtonia real estate
fully under control. It's like the prohibition and the guys with hats and
suits all over again! ;=} Anyhow, both NTLK and UNNA are priceless services
which are volunteered at personal expenses, as I understand it.

>I thought the list would encourage new users to the group.

Well, you gotta live with the white noise or find other venues or create
your own five ring circus. Also with NTLK you gotta live with the fact that
many questions stay unanswered. Repost them after a couple of weeks, maybe
the knowhow will be available then. This is annoying, but this list is very
short-lived and has no memory (like a proper forum), which leads to
repetitive newbie questions and bored old-schoolers. We newbies and the old
guys just gotta live with that, too. If anybody feels irritated by this -
why, there's a host of Newton-related forums and BBS around, some of them
even still active (Q: Which are the most active at the time?).

>Thankfully, in my short time on the list I can say I have genuinely
>helped another user get more out of their Newton. Thankfully that
>person also helped me, helped me with a question that not a single
>other user on the list replied to. The answer to my problem was simple,
>and I am sure somebody else must have know a solution, or at least help
>me bounce ideas off them.

I'd very intelligently written about this (well, it was a surprise to me,
too, so cut yer sneers, fella! :=] ) in November (pls. do see
Sometimes, very basic questions simply don't get answered. Yes, I got
upset, too. Mighty mighty upset. They rant and rave about dumb stuff on and
on and on and things nobody in the world cares about, and don't answer my
    Then I started to think - another rare thing, I admit, which is
probably why I remember all this so well. I came to the conclusion that
service from this board is not something that has been guaranteed to me, I
didn't pay for any maintenance and support contracts, either, and there's
nobody I could sue. Also it came to my attention that since *I* don't read
every single NTLK digest, the limited number of knowhow bearers (maybe a
handful on each topic?) may either not be able to reply, too, due to lack
of time resources, or may not have noticed my question, because either I
didn't ask very expressly or they simply hadn't read it, because they'd
left the platform or were a couple days on holiday or whatever. Surely
nothing I should get all huffy about. Easy does it, and easy worked well
enough. Plus I could always take questions bc.

Admitted, when mailing people directly, I not always received the replies
I'd expected or any replies at all - which may have to do with my special
charmes, shitty haircut, crap handle (it's good enough for the airwaves, so
it oughto be good enough for you, bustah!) or non-perfumed deodorant, but
the folks who *did* reply were nothing less than marvelous, generous and
helpful. So there, and I wouldn't have been able to identify them if I
hadn't used the search on NTLK. And marvels of marvels, reading a bit and
hanging around a bit, and occasionally I could help a fellow Newtonian
myself, or find some other ways in which to contribute to the community.
Excellent, just like real life!

>Some people have several years experience using the Newton, this
>experience is a valuable resource because the Newton is no longer being
>supported by Apple. But this resource will only remain valuable if
>people can access it.

Which is something that I'd call an acknowledged problem. This here medium
is very short on memory, some stuff should better be collected, processed
and turned over to the FAQ maintainers (that's who again? ;=} ) or added to
the Newton-WikiWiki (any volunteers for either *very* respectable
enterprise?). A structured forum would be better, too, for sorting stuff.
But in no Newton forum is so much traffic, I reckon, as here at NTLK. Must
be a reason for this.

Anyhow, Anil, don't let any of this get you down or take it reason to move
off NTLK or feel offended - as I believe you won't, reading your more
recent posts. This list is just tremendously and inexplainably funny in
many ways. E.g. one day, a guy mails me and apologizes about his rude reply
to a posting of mine. Only, his wasn't really rude. I mean, like there was
*nothing* to apologize about. Anyhow, found he's a reasonable enough chap,
and we exchanged many mails and quite some book-talk since.
    And just the other day, somebody was advising me that I'd spoken out of
turn, or rashly, or made obvious how much I hadn't any clue (which all may
be the case again here, come think of it...). I asks him "What now, guvnor?
Public apologies in order, or whatcher after?", sez he "Oh, jus
fuhggedabout it an' nevah mind!" Funny? You bet! Anyhow, again - mail
exchanges, swapping of some packages, all warm and fuzzy feelings. Just
like real life.

Meanwhile, pls. also check your mailbox.

Yours in Newtonia,

the 'Kasko.


>On Jan 15, 2004, at 14:37, Victor Rehorst wrote:
> Chris Edwards wrote:
>> I read that Apple and others are getting excited about the Canadian
>> copyright tax, It might be the way foreward, you cannot really stop
> <snip>
> What does this have to do with Newtons?
> Maybe you can find a more appropriate forum for this discussion than
> Newtontalk...

Ah, such a harsh reaction, Victor. Copyright has repeatedly been a topic
here and bears some relevance to subscribers, I reckon, some of which are
intellectual property producers, and others are users of such goods.
Admitted, any regulation concerning possible pricing of iPods in Canada
would not really interest me, either, same concerns their color-schemes and
certain other non-Newton computing stuff discussed here, but hey, let the
kids play as long as they don't hurt each other. It's a big enough sandbox
for all flavors.

P.P.S.: >Keep in mind that some of the people you are insulting with your

Hi Marty, hold the guns, willya?! It's all been some sorta
misunderstanding, kinda. No need to pour it on.

P.P.P.P.S.: Sing along with me, people: "If Newtonians are united / They
will nevah be divided!"

Okay, here's the plan: You all each send me a newly made Newton eBook (in
all Newton formats + original text source, pls.) which I don't have yet,
and I'll send you one that'll never ever be available at UNNA (one that'll
be loved by all the barbarian appreciators out there - need I say more? ;=}
). Deal?

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/

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