Re: [NTLK] Have Melco WLI-PCM-L11GP-PC, will Travel!

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 20:55:49 PST

on 22/01/04 23:49, Newtopia at wrote:

> Continued...
> Anyway, I plopped the Buffalo AirStation (Melco) in and wahlah, I get the
> Configuration slip for the card! Can't wait to get home tonight and
> configure it to connect to my home network!
> Alrighty then, out of the 12 .pkg's I did get installed,
> none/0/nilch/nada/nunca are internet/package xfer/e-mail related - rats! So,
> all I can do is configure the Buffalo and wait till tomorrow (left cable @
> work) to try again.
> Which brings me to the next newbie question...
> I read 40Hz and I have downloaded Courier-0.7.3.sit, ntox, NHttpLib, IC/VC,
> Zlib, Neo and Nitro. All I want to do at this point is to use the WiFi
> Ethernet connection to install packages and perform backups, essentially
> replicate NCU over Ethernet-TCP/IP instead of serial (which belongs in a
> bowel with milk). Later I may do chatting/e-mail - I don't see any sense in
> trying to browse the web with my MP 2100. So what do I really need to
> install packages and do the back-ups?
> I don't have a memory PC-Card yet, although I bought one on E-Bay, the
> seller can't find it-so we're working on some solution.

Check the thread with Bret (Re: [NTLK] HELP!). He's trying to do exactly the
same thing!


Laurent Daudelin   AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin    <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software     
flowchart n.: [techspeak] An archaic form of visual control-flow
specification employing arrows and 'speech balloons' of various shapes.
Hackers never use flowcharts, consider them extremely silly, and associate
them with COBOL programmers, card wallopers, and other lower forms of life.
This attitude follows from the observations that flowcharts (at least from a
hacker's point of view) are no easier to read than code, are less precise,
and tend to fall out of sync with the code (so that they either obfuscate it
rather than explaining it, or require extra maintenance effort that doesn't
improve the code). See also PDL, sense 1.
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