From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Fri Jul 02 2004 - 01:39:46 PDT
Hmh, there's this movie where Bruce Willis ist this really nasty
super-killer, who constantly changes his disguises and has this (canadian?)
kid build a auto-cannon and then blasts him to shreds with it on the test
range. Know which one I mean?
In the end, this auto-cannon is set up in a red SUV, and targeted by a
remote control system to shoot at somebody's wife in front of a hospital.
The remote control the killer uses is build from various pieces that are
supposed to look unconspicuous, and I'm pretty sure one of these pieces is
the original Newton keyboard.
Can anybody confirm this sighting and give the name of the movie?
At 02:53 30.06.04, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 18:42:20 +0200
>From: (Oliver Brose)
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] A reason to watch Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
> >From: "Jack Burks" <>
> >Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 20:05:31 -0500
> >
> >Yes folks, that's right, Sabrina, The Teenage Witch was sporting a Newton
> >(120 or 130 I couldn't tell).
>An OMP that is, if you are talking about the gold-formula episode. I think
>the show is worthwile anyway, but the Newton is of course the sugar on top ;)
>Oliver :)
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