From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sat Jul 03 2004 - 06:33:08 PDT
>Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 16:02:56 -0500
>From: Duncan Domingue <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] RS232-to-LAN-Hack: A way to connect pre-NOS2.1 Newts to
>If you liked that, check out . They have the same kind
>of products, but you can get an 802.11 version! I'm thinking about
>getting one to hook up to my VTech Helio, but I'm worried about the
>protocol. Basically, all the device does is take your serial data and
>wrap it in a ethernet & TCP/IP header (or telnet, or FTP, whatever
>protocol you choose that is available). So you still need do some low
>level programming to get your serial data to come out the way you want,
>i.e. as a proper TCP body section of the packet. But, considering
>everything they've already done for you, that's not too much too ask.
Only prob is that I recognize code when I see it doesn't mean I can produce
it. I'm great in testing stuff and writing how-tos and coughing up
concepts, and I only suck marginal at doing hands-on stuff, but I'm not a
coder. Well, too bad. Maybe somebody else takes this up?
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