From: Dan (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 06:25:32 PDT
Stand Alone Software has a freeware utility that will do that. Or you can
just enable the freezing option (which is actually a part of the Newton OS,
but is turned off by default) with SBM Options (which is on UNNA under
utlities). SAS also has a pay version of their freeze app, however the pay
version has bugs so stay away from that one. There is also other apps, my
personal favorite is ICS's Extensions Manager that allows you to have "sets"
of what is froze and what is not. So with one tap you can freeze all the
icons, or just a few you want to keep thawed. Package manger, also by ICS
works well too but it does not allow you to save "sets". However it does
allow you to turn the backup flag on or off, this is on by default and will
backup the installed package when you use NCU for example. With that flag
off, it won't backup the package with NCU. This is handy if you have a
large card full of packages and you don't want to take the time to backup
them when you only want the data.
>What is the best way to keep the Newton HEAP LOW. I am not that smart when
>it come to newton heap and would like to know a little more about it and
>to manage it.
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