Re: [NTLK] NewtSync/.Mac sync?

From: Christopher Hagedorn (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 10:57:29 PDT

some of this i think has been covered before. i remember some SyncML talk that went on a while back...

relocating the cache file would be faily trivial. the problem is that that cache file doesn't really have much useful information in it.

i'm not really sure what john's original intention was for the cache, the Dates plugin makes mild use of it as i recall (not in front of my mac at the moment). but other plugins do not. and using the cache is up to the developers of each plugin. so i'm really not sure if relocating the cache file would be of much use toward the ends of syncing one Newt with multiple macs.

but on a plugin-by-plugin basis, storing the necessary data remotely is very possible. it just becomes a matter of the plugin being smart enough to keep track of 3 sources of data rather than just 2. and, of course, this solution puts the burdon on the plugin developer rather than nSync itself.

the ultimate scenario would be if we had an iSync client that ran on the Newt and interacted with the same data that iSync does. Sadly, iSync is proprietary and that most likely won't happen.

another possibility is SyncML or some similar technology. If we had an app that ran on OS X and interacted with SyncML data on an iDisk (exactly like iSync does, but using an open standard), we could then run a SyncML app on the Newt as well that would interact with the same data. On the Mac side, the vehicle could conceivably be an nSync plugin that generated the SyncML data and put it an iDisk.

there are several possibilities. and i'm really not sure which is the best. i think about it often though. nSync is a great first step. It's a wonderful piece of work and i'm thankful that it gave me the chance to interact with john a little as a developer. he desreves our gratitude. that said, there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to keeping our Newts up to date in an OS X world.
On Wednesday, July 07, 2004, at 09:44AM, Donald <> wrote:

>Here's my idea:
>Ifyou use iSync to sync multiple computers (ie Work and Home), would it
>be possible for the NewtSync cache file to be stored on your iDisk, so
>you could sync the Newt in either location, providing you did the iSync
>to .Mac FIRST, so all computers were up to date before the Newton?
>How easy/hard would it be to change the location of the cache file?
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