From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 23:42:43 PDT
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Any user reports on "NeoRemote"? Where to find that app?
>Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 09:48:09 -0600
>From: Grant Hutchinson <>
>In a previous message, DJ Vollkasko typed vigorously:
> >It used to be available from, but that's offline
> >now and doesn't have it stored, either. NeoRemote was hinted at
> >on NTLK in 2002, but the name doesn't pop up when googling it. Anyway, it
> >sounds more impressive than the other, often pretty limited IR remote apps,
> >so I think this merits some investigation.
>The address used to redirect to the following URL:
>That IP appears to be part of a pool of addresses from an inactive
>Spanish ISP.
Something like this had already been reported in 2002 in NTLK, I think,
only few months after the announcement of his projects and the posting at
Newton Enlightenment.
I've tried the obvious and mailed the developer, and this is all I got:
Couldn't find it at UNNA, either.
Does anybody have a contact to the developer of NeoRemote? Does anybody
have this package and maybe the original website archived and could mail it
to me (and upload to UNNA)?
The description at Newton Enlightenment sounds really very impressive
("NeoRemote is a user configurable IR control pad, with multiple encoding
system (RC-5, RECS-80...)", from, and it woud be a great shame
if this software would be all forgotten and lost. We have repeatedly
inquiries about IR remote apps on this list, and this package sounds like a
solution to many issues discussed.
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