From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sun Jul 11 2004 - 23:55:54 PDT
>Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 17:14:45 -0400
>From: Vincent Juliano <>
>Subject: [NTLK] global village
>HI i have a newon 2100 which i want to network using a global village
>platinum modem pc card. I want to know if there is a way to get the
>newton to use it with just the built in settings,
Vincent, what sources have you checked (FAQ, manual, Wiki...)?
>I dont have vthe newton internet enabler ehter.
I'm afraid w/o NIE the whole networking/internet thing won't take you very
far. Check out the Card Lending Program that has been recently mentioned to
you, search NTLK and the Wiki for "bootstrap problem".
> I don't have a serial dongel yet to transfer the driver.
Once you have a network/Bluetooth/whatever card, you won't need that, but
it's still good to have as a backup. Or - vastly better - install a SER 001
board by Mr PCBMan, then you can even attach the original Newton keyboard
w/o a hustle.
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