Re: [NTLK] 802.11b cards - what should I buy

From: Peter H. Coffin (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 19:49:02 PDT

On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 10:21:17PM -0400, Jason Meyers wrote:
> I have a MP2000, passed to me, and I like it, however I have a
> broadband connection and cannot go on the internet with the modem card
> I got with it. I am planning to buy an 802.11b card. I don't know
> much about the newton other than normal operation, so I would need one
> that would work from the start. I would also need 128 bit encryption.

WaveLAN/Orinoco/Lucent Gold (Classic, not the combo 802.11b/802.11a card
that might also be sub-labelled "Proxim") or MELCO WLI-PCM-L11GP are
your choices for 128-bit WEP.

> Reliability comes before cost, although cheap is always nice. My
> search yielded compatibility listings, but no recommendations. Also,
> what driver(s) would I need, and where can i get them.

Hiroshi's driver.

"It's 106 light-years to Chicago, we've got a full chamber of anti-matter,
a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing visors."
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