[NTLK] [ANN] More WiFi Cards v4

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot_at_kallisys.net)
Date: Wed Jul 14 2004 - 04:29:39 PDT

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce More WiFi Cards v4.

What is More WiFi Cards?

More WiFi Cards extends Hiroshi Noguchi's Wireless driver by adding
support for more cards.

What's new in version 4?

The current version adds support for more than 50 cards (v3 only
added support for 5 cards), all supported by FreeBSD wi(4) (hence
very likely to work). The full list is available on the web page.


More WiFi Cards require Lantern (also known as Newton Devices, hence
a MP2x00 or an eMate 300) and Hiroshi Noguchi's Driver. Some cards
like the Linksys WPC11 v2 or higher additionally require Lantern

Please let me know if any of the cards listed on the web page works or doesn't.

Where can I download it?

More WiFi Cards v4 can be downloaded from my website:



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