From: George Bingham (
Date: Thu Jul 15 2004 - 15:27:08 PDT
Hi Jim, see my answers in-line:
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:55:31 -0400, Jim Grich <> wrote:
> Since I am new to the Newton, I am learning bits and pieces of
> information from NewtonTalk. I have received my PCMCIA modem cable
> today and tried my luck at going online. Questions:
> What it the best e-mail/browser programs to use? I believe I have
> loaded SimpleMail, Newton's Cape and NIE. For some reason, SimpleMail
> will not boot up. Is there a good alternative (or a "fix")?
Probably need more information here, but maybe what's wrong is that
SimpleMail is not a program that you "run" by tapping it's icon. It's
an extension (or set of extensions) that add functionality to software
already present. You see the "envelope" looking icon in the upper
right of most documents (notepad items, and other types of documents,
also may be in the lower right). Tapping on that brings up a list of
"Transports" installed on your Newton. In "Newtonese" a transport is a
generic name for software that 'routes' stuff, like email, or
printing, or faxing, beaming, speaking....
That menu's "email' selection and the I/O box is mainly where you will
find your SimpleMail added functionality. You will also have to set
some settings using the Owner application to tell it where your email
server is and your username etc.
> Also...This may be a dumb question, but how do you delete packages that
> are loaded onto the Newton? I loaded a few programs that, apparently,
> will not work with my current OS (2.1). I want to regain the memory
> space.
You can delete packages by going to the Extras list and "selecting"
their icons, to do that, when you can see the applications icon, put
the pen tip on it and hold it there. You will hear a "squeak" sound
and the icon will go dark, or you will hear the squeak, and you can
draw a circle around a group of icons (if they're adjacent) to select
more than one. Then use the "envelope" icon's menu (transport menu) to
pick "delete".
Also, when you're in the Extras window, you can tap on the "overview"
button (The dot in between the up / down arrows in the icon bar) to
view your packages as a list. Then you can just check off the ones you
want to delete and choose "delete" from the transport menu.
> I assume to disconnect from the Internet, you close Newton's Cape or
> the e-mail program? I ask this because I did get online this afternoon,
> but did not know how to disconnect, other than closing the Newton's
> Cape pgm?!?
That's one way of disconnecting, also under one of the menu's on
Newt's Cape, there is a "Reset Http" selection. Choosing this will
disconnect. Also somewhere, and I can't think of exactly where this
is, there is a setting that tells the network to "disconnect
immediately" or "after a delay" or "never". Maybe someone else can
point you there, but I generally have it set to "immediately" so that
I don't waste my batteries.
> Finally...How can I tell the Newton to download programs to my 4 meg
> PCMCIA card instead of the internal memory?
When you insert your card, it should bring up a "dialog" telling
information about that card, and there is a check box that says "Save
new information and packages on this card", Check that before you load
stuff up, or else after you've loaded stuff up, you can use the "file"
button to move it to the storage card. To do that, select the icon in
the extras drawer (see above on how to do that) and then tap the icon
that looks like a file folder (right next to the envelope). Choose
either internal or the name of the card, and alternatively, you can
also tag it with a file folder like category name if you want. When
you tap "file" it'll move the app to the card.
> Thanks for your help.
Hope this helped and wasn't too condesending....
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