From: Mike R. Manzano (
Date: Mon Jul 26 2004 - 11:06:37 PDT
Not only is the stylus a "potential weapon", but you can use it to pick
your ear for wax. But I digress.
I have never had a problem taking my Newton on the flight with me, and
frankly, my fountain pen's nib is deadlier than the plastic stylus tip
any day. My Newtie has also been through many Xray machines. No
problems there, and most of the time the TSA is clueless enough that
they don't consider it a computer (you don't have to take it out of
your bag).
I'm not saying that the TSA hires ignorant fools to enforce this
nation's national transportation security, because saying that would be
off topic to this mailing list.
Mike R. Manzano
email . alephx01 (at) mac (dot) com
On Jul 26, 2004, at 10:53 AM, Jim Grich wrote:
> I wondered if anyone has had a problem taking their Newton with them on
> a commercial airline flight? I ask this because of the stylus and the
> "potential weapon" threat. I have to carry it onto the plane and
> wondered if i would be "forced" (Yea, good luck) to get rid of the
> stylus?
> Also...How much do I have to worry about the 4 meg memory card as well
> as the Newtons internal memory when passing it through the Xray
> machines? Should I have them hand search it to avoid any erasures?
> Thanks for all the help you folks have given me in the past couple of
> weeks. Because if this, I have my 2100 set up for e-mail and web
> browsing and that is the reason I am leaving the laptop behind and
> taking the Newton on this trip.
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