[NTLK] AW: (marginally OT) Another keyboard question

From: Isaac (Newton_at_spymac.com)
Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 17:21:26 PDT

> On 28 Jul 2004, at 23:27, karel Jansens <kareljansens_at_tiscalinet.be>
> wrote:
> > As I've written before, I am the (more or less) proud owner of a
> > Fujitsu Stylistic 3400 tablet pc. Nobody need to fear that it will
> > ever replace my Newtons (the thing will barely run for an
> hour on its
> > battery and runs hotter than hell),

What??? One single short little hour??? That must be because of its fast
processor and whatever else is fast too in the 3400. I got a LT-P600 which
runs about 4h with a 3400mAh accu and the processor speed set to very low

Regarding the topic I can not say anything about using the Newton kbd on a
PEECEE, but my original Fujitsu-Stylistic infrared kbd is really very good.
It is less than 10 mm thick and just as wide as the Tablet PEECEE is (much
smaller than the 3400) but has about the button size as a Newton kbd.
However, the Newton kbd is better for typing with its longer key way. The
stylistic original kbd just fits unterneath the LT-P600 in the free space
next to the accu.


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