From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 20:58:21 PDT
I can get some of the DNS settings when I do an
IPCONFIG /all at a CMD prompt. I'm using the secondary
and the tertiary (it shows 10 DNS IPs) because the
primary DNS is the same as the DHCP server.
I know that the network configuration is correct
because I use the same static configuration (with a
different IP, SNM and DNS servers) on my home network
without a problem. It's only here at work that I'm
having problems with...
and may all be moot because we're having
another 7500 layoffs tomorrow and there's no telling
who's going to be getting the axe...drat
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages)
--- ccsccs7 <> wrote:
> I assume the Newton uses standard Ethernet and
> TCP/IP protocols. Have
> you dealt with getting DNS settings set up? Without
> using a DHCP server,
> they have to be entered manually (unless you know
> the IP addresses of
> the sites you intend to use).
> Cedric
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