From: Berthe M. Willumsen (
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 13:26:39 PDT
At 20:27 -0400 13/06/04, Dan wrote:
>Well if you have run SBM utilities and it did not find anything odd in the
>Names soup.
Did that, nothing.
>You can (after a FULL backup) try going into extras, selecting
>storage and try moving all your names to your card, or another card. If it
>fails half way through the transfer, go into Soupkitchen and see what the
>first entry is in the Names soup. That should be a corrupt name. Delete
>that entry and try moving it again. Keep doing that and you should get all
>the corrupt entries.
It moved everything fine - leaving 17 entries on internal, that all
seemed to have to do with Owner, Hiroshis driver or Dock...
>Then move all your names back to your previous storage
>and see if it works now.
Nope, same problem.
>If moving the soup works fine, then the only other option (except going
>through the soup via Soupkitchen) would be to try to export the names via
>NCU, then delete the soup and reimport them back. Many have fixed problems
>that way.
This worked.
1. Export (text delimited) all Names via NCU
If relevant, copy WEP hex key to notes....
2. Remove Names soup with soupKitchen.
Everything (dock, wireless card setup, owner) now complains -
must be lost owner connection
3. Reset Newton (owner now OK, wireless card setup acessible)
4. Fill in WEP stuff on card setup if applicable, 'cause it has disappeared...
5. Connect to NCU
6. Import the text delimited Names file to Names (through two dialog boxes)
7. Look, with great satisfaction, at a number of names (after
changing it to show all Names(!))
8. Tap Notes in a NameCard previously frozen with the viewClass
complaint: it opens up for editing!
Thanks Dan.
It seems to me that all my 'Locations' (places where meetings take
place) are now regular Name-Cards. They were not before. Before they
were not editable. They show up under locations in Dates all right,
however, so all is well.
The final issue is how it happened. It happened to several people
around the time it happened to me. I guess I'll try to pay
-- Berthe Denmark, MP2100 ps: Should I wikiwiki this? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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