From: Dan (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 08:21:12 PDT
>This worked.
>1. Export (text delimited) all Names via NCU
> If relevant, copy WEP hex key to notes....
>2. Remove Names soup with soupKitchen.
> Everything (dock, wireless card setup, owner) now complains -
>must be lost owner connection
>3. Reset Newton (owner now OK, wireless card setup accessible)
>4. Fill in WEP stuff on card setup if applicable, 'cause it has
>5. Connect to NCU
>6. Import the text delimited Names file to Names (through two dialog boxes)
>7. Look, with great satisfaction, at a number of names (after
>changing it to show all Names(!))
>8. Tap Notes in a NameCard previously frozen with the viewClass
>complaint: it opens up for editing!
>Thanks Dan.
You are welcome. :)
>It seems to me that all my 'Locations' (places where meetings take
>place) are now regular Name-Cards. They were not before. Before they
>were not editable. They show up under locations in Dates all right,
>however, so all is well.
That is odd. But I think that you could delete the name card locations and
the locations should still show up fine in Dates. But do a backup before
you start deleting them.
Also after all of this, make sure you keep that old backup before the fix
for a while. I doubt you will need it, but if you find one important name
missing somehow (again I really doubt it but better to be safe than sorry)
you can backup, restore the old version with the error to get the name info,
then restore your fixed version and add the missing name in question.
>The final issue is how it happened. It happened to several people
>around the time it happened to me. I guess I'll try to pay
Not sure, it could have been a extension package for names that was
installed at the time, has a bug and created this problem. Or it could just
have been
never know with computers sometimes. ;)
>Denmark, MP2100
>ps: Should I wikiwiki this?
Sure if you wish. It might help someone else if they run into name
corruption. But it is always best to try fixing it first via SBM, Name
fixer, soup moving, etc before you try exporting via NCU. The reason is
sometimes a soup gets so corrupted, exporting may not work. Although when
it gets this bad, usually Names won't open.
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