From: Mircea Boari (
Date: Sun Jun 20 2004 - 13:56:36 PDT
Hi Dan --
and thank you for this message also.
It was the only reply for this thread, so there will be no "overview" :)
You are right, there exists a recent thread regarding "PDF coversion"
and a wealth of older material.
But there is nothing about a straight PDF reader capability for the Newton.
All the solutions I have read about, come with some caveat or
inconveniency... But, then, I gues we should get used to living like
that :)
From: "Dan" <>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] PDF for Newton ?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 15:36:06 -0400
>Hi all -- the last message concerning PDF on Newton, coming from
>Laurent Domeneach, was in 2001. He then reported on his WIP on a PDF
>reader for Newton, but there was no further communication as to the
>finalization of his project.
>As of now, does it exist a reader -- ideally! a complete
>reader/editor -- of PDF files for the Newton?
Hmm that is odd as this topic was discussed in detail just recently.
Anyway, no not directly. Your best bet is to convert the PDF to some other
format such as plain text, then Newtonbook it. There are several converters
around (PDF to text). There is even one on Adobe's site. Of course if it
is encrypted you won't be able to convert it. Your second option if you
want to keep the "PDF look" there is a converter (can't remember the name at
the moment, check the archives under PDF converter) that will make a jpg
image of each page which you can then view using a browser such a Newtscape.
But it will take up a TON of space.
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