From: Jared Bland (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 07:16:32 PDT
Well, guys, I finally purchased a Newton 2100. I was stuck with my
MP110 for the longest time and decided it was time to move on up to the
big guns. I felt a bit left out of most of the topics, be it hardware
add-ons or new ATA drivers, but now I can benefit from the
This brings me to my "Preparation Phase." I have a small list of
things I would like to do and it would be great if y'all could
basically give me some options on how to do the things I want..
Anyhow, here's my list:
- I want to use the internet wirelessly from my Buffalo AirStation G54
- I would like to sync my Address Book with my Newton
- I would like to also be able to send and receive e-mail on my Newton
- I would like to use Instant Messaging on my Newton (possible???)
I basically need a wireless e-mail and note-taking machine. I am not
looking to spend much money on the hardware/software required (who
isn't?) but I definitely would never steal/pirate it. If there is a
wireless card and driver I would need to use, I'd like to use the
cheapest one (no high-end WEP is necessary). I just want to be able to
maintain a reliable connection on the various routers I may come within
range of.
Thank you all for your help in advance,
Jared "2100's on its way!!!" Bland
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