From: Berthe M. Willumsen (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 13:23:28 PST
My conclusion is no.
The Claris Organizer file 'filled' by NCU can be opened nicely in
Palm Desktop (I still don't know what hapened when it crashed
previously; I had a connection problem and after that got cleared up,
the NCU-generated Organizer files open without a hitch in Palm
desctop 4.1).
But the Palm Desktop file is not recognized as a 'syncable' file by
NCU, so once it has been opened, it is lost to sync'ing.... It is, of
course, an OSX application, so transferring information from the
Newton (via NCU classic) to an organizer file for use in OSX is
possible this way. But nothing goes back from this to the Newt.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Next project is Newtourage.
Denmark, MP2100
>Maybe the open/crash processes with PalmDesktop rendered the claris
>files unusable or
>the Palm Sync Conduit is locking the claris files (as you pointed
>PalmDesktop to them). Try to stop the sync conduit (check to see if it
>is running in background or if it was launched when starting OSX).
>I may suggest you to reinstall NCU and then try to sync first with the
>newton to see if things go right. Just guessing though...
>On 27 Feb 2004, Berthe M. Willumsen wrote:
>> Even though the Newt says 'Backup' what I asked it to do was
>> 'Syncronize'. I've noted that in OS9 as well, it is not particularly
>> precise informing what is going on...
>> So I am syncronizing to a Claris Organizer file (dates, contacts,etc)
>> which is empty. And is way away from the NCU application..... It is
>> different from the Backup-procedure, where the previous backups
> > folder and Backups folder files are incrementally updated.
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