From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 01:15:59 PST
>From: Mark Ross <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Nintendo Patent and Newtendo?
>Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 17:36:02 -0500
>That is, the patent cannot cover any technology that was publicly
>disclosed before it was filed, or in the US, invented. The patent also
>lists no other priority filings in other countries, so any subsequent
>filings in other countries will rely on this date as well. US patents
>have no validity outside the US, but you can bet that Nintendo has
>filed world wide.
>In summary, if the emulator existed before 2000, it is not covered by
>this patent. Which brings us to the question of when Newtendo was
>written published?
Please reread the patent granted. To my memory, it relates specifically and
distinctly to "weak" platforms" such as PDAs and backrest displays in train
or planes, but only for Gameboy emulation. I understand that Newtendo is
not a Gameboy emulator, but a console emulator, and as such is not covered
in named patent. Pls. advise if this is correct.
Finest regards,
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