[NTLK] No VAT on international sales (was PowerTrans)

From: John M Powell (jp_at_iwillbefree.com)
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 03:51:33 PST

> From: "Marcus Andree S. Magalhaes" <marcus.magalhaes_at_vlinfo.com.br>
> As a last advise, if I were you, I'd stick with the "online
> selling" method and provide a simpler way to your customer
> download the software again, just in case.

Actually, the software is easily downloadable already. All I do is
email a registration code. I have no plans of mailing anything out.
No need to. Since this is online sales, I should be able to avoid
sales tax here in the States as well. I've learned from another friend
that once you start paying sales tax, you have to deal with it every
year for the rest of your life, whether you sell anything taxable or
not. I don't care much for that idea.

John M Powell

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