Re: [NTLK] Options for screen protectors

From: Rhonda Hyslop (
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 16:13:39 PST

* Peter Cameron <> [22 Mar 2004 14:46]:
> David Ensteness wrote:
> >Ah, yeah I am looking for something stick on rather than the slide
> >under the edge ...
> Why? From what I remember a lot of people were not really happy with
> the stick-on ones since they were hard to take off (particularly if left
> on too long) and could leave some sticky stuff on the screen.

Actually, I didn't find that. I've been using WriteRights since I got my
Newton (back in 1998), and I like them. And re: the "leaving them on too
long" issue with sticky stuff, well, I lost the package of spares and
left the same protector on for a few years (actually, probably 5... I
think the screen protector that I replaced in November '03 was the
original one I put on in '98). When I found the spares again, my screen
protector came up easily, and I only had to take a q-tip to the edges to
get the years of accumulated dust and gunk out, and that would have
collected whether or not I had a screen protector. :-)

The only issue I would say I have with them is that they're tricky to
put on. If you're not super careful putting them on (and often even if
you are) you'll get bubbles under the sheet that are hard to get out, or
it'll go on crooked. The bubbles eventually disappear if they're little, but
they're really annoying until they do. Both problems can be fixed by
pulling the cover up again, but each time you do that it stretches just
the tiniest bit...


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