From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Mar 24 2004 - 11:54:54 PST
On 24/03/04 14:35, "Jon Glass" <> wrote:
> on 3/24/04 6:18 PM, Laurent Daudelin at
> wrote:
>> There are places that will do a conversion from the older RC12 freon gas to
>> the newer RC134a. I've just done it to my Chrysler Imperial 1993 near
>> Leesburg for $271. I can now use the cheap RC134a.
> I priced them at the time, and they were double or more what you just
> quoted. :-( Even at $271, it would have been a stretch for _that_ car (a
> Renault Medallion--or a Model 21 for you Europeans...) :-)
Well, it depends how much you paid the car and how much you want to keep it.
I think that if I had had a Renault Medallion in relatively good shape, I
would have gone for it. That was a pretty good car.
Alternatively, I love my new Chrysler Imperial. What a car!
-- ======================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA ************************ Usual disclaimers apply *********************** -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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