From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Wed Mar 24 2004 - 13:32:58 PST
"Tony Kan" wrote @ 24.3.2004 22:18 Uhr / <>:
> As names go, it isn't as bad as "strokeit"
> Now, in all honesty, Linux HWR is even worse than Windows. The only viable
> option is XStroke,...
The LT-P600 comes with CIC Pen Extensions 2.0 running as a startup program
and some dll which is somewhere between the digitizer and the OS. You have
to switch the cursor from the Windows pointer behavior into the HWR mode and
only then you're able to enter text with the pen. The HWR itself is
surprisingly good for printed writing only and it is possible to assign
ctrl-key combinations to special strokes. That is e.g. The letter C
surrounded by a circle for ctrl-C or copy. Overall this HWR is not well
integrated into the OS. The switch between the pointer modes switches
sometimes automagically back into pointer mode and in HWR mode one cannot
operate scrollbars, only buttons can be pressed by double tap.
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