From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sat Mar 27 2004 - 23:39:41 PST
>> Yes, thank you, I remember this one, but the one I keep thinking about
was a
>> military one, maybe Army or Marines survival guide.
>> Lisa
>That would be the SAS Survival Handbook.
Which could be obtained as the Newton eBook that Lisa so fondly remembers
("Pulled out my Newton 2100 today in hopes of finding a book I had on it.
It was a survival guide with photos/drawings. It had snake bite
information, etc.") exactly where?
I googled that phrase + pkg or Newton, but no hit, and Standalone Software
don't know it, either (
DJV. (who's interested in any medical emergency handbooks, outdoorsy stuff
like this, also on marine matters, navigation and whatever, all to pack on
his Newton once it works again to take along when kayaking)
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