Re: [NTLK] Beaming from/to WizCom Superpen?

From: Eckhart Köppen (
Date: Sat May 01 2004 - 03:56:21 PDT

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:01:21 +0200, Oliver Brose wrote:
> installed, and the Newt does recieve files from the pen, but they
> cannot be displayed.

What do you see when you tap on a received item in the Inbox? The name
and type of the item would be interesting to know.

> The pen may also recieve from the Newt, but it
> will display nothing safe for a few random characters.

The Newton sends data in two-byte Unicode format which the pen very
likely doesn't understand. But I have ISO8859/UTF-8 support on my
requested feature list...


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