[NTLK] PowerTrans

From: John M Powell (jp_at_iwillbefree.com)
Date: Sat May 01 2004 - 08:08:28 PDT

Wanted to give everyone an update on the PowerTrans purchase. On foreign
deposits by check, his (Frank W.) bank holds the deposit for up to a month,
to make sure it will clear. They've finally released the funds to his
account. He's going to try to have the Newton registration package to me
this weekend (he has to pull off a memory card), and should be mailing the
rest of the stuff to me shortly. Sorry this process has taken so long. I
first asked him about possibly purchasing Travel Concept Solutions
(PowerTrans) last September when I learned he was going to drop the product.
It's been a long wait but we're almost there.

Also please note you can contact me at support(@)travel-cs.com for
PowerTrans related questions. If you've used info_at_travel-cs.com before, note
this email address has been removed. It was getting no business traffic and
received close to a thousand spam messages a month.

My web business has been busy lately, but I hope within a few days of
getting the registration package to have an order form set back up on the
site, for purchases through PayPal.


John M Powell

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