[NTLK] Newton, Napoleon and Kuhn, Was: Re: OT Kilometers

From: Luiz Pellanda (pellanda_at_mac.com)
Date: Sat May 01 2004 - 16:02:26 PDT

Hi you there:

By the way, "Newton" is a metric unit for force...

Kuhn used to say that a new paradigm only becomes generally accepted
when the "olds" die...

Brazil has many favors to thanks Napoleon: by invading Portugal, he
caused the Imperial Family to move to Brazil which became the capital
of Portuguese Empire.
Then he pushed the metric system. *System* that was adopted in Brazil
in XIX century, so by now metrics rules...


Luiz E. Pellanda
Porto Alegre
"A Smith & Wesson beats four aces" (Murphy)
(subscribed also by G.W.Bush)
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