[NTLK] Export QFWorks to Excel on Mac solved - Thanks !

From: Christian Armbruster (carmbruster_at_mac.com)
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 07:13:38 PDT


Thanks to anybody who mailed me about how to export spreadsheets from
QFWorks to my Mac. Here is some short description how I did, so
somebody with the same problem will know what to do :-)

I wanted to export spreadsheet files from my Newton to my new eMac
running OS X Panther with OS 9.2 runnuing in Classic Mode.

That's what You need

- QFWorks 1.1.2
- QFExchange ( You need the Mac-Installer, that can be found on UNNA,
the one on my original QuickfigureWorks Disk does NOT install !!!)

- Excel (NOT for OS X) I use Excel 98, which works fine.
- NCU must be installed, but MUST NOT running, otherwise I get a
timeout error

With that exporting is a joy. I then save the files as normal Excel 98
files and load them into Excel for OS X. All programs (NCU, Excel 98 )
run smooth in the Classic environment of Panther. I use a Keyspann 19QW
serial Adapter, for which the driver is NOT installed under OS x but
only under OS 9.

cheers and thanks again !


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