From: Zachery Bir (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 07:58:42 PDT
On May 4, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Dave Abramowitz wrote:
> On May 4, 2004, at 10:33 AM, Zachery Bir wrote:
>> Do brainwipes cause the Newton's ID to change? I ask because I had
>> done
>> a brainwipe on my u2000 a while back, and while trying to install the
>> ATA support package, it prompted me with a different Newton ID than
>> the
>> one I registered.<snip>
> That happened to me with another package after a brain wipe, and it was
> because I entered my name differently in the Owner Info. I think
> instead of Dave Abramowitz I put David Abramowitz, which is not the
> name under whom packages that used NewtonID were registered. Maybe
> that's your issue...
Well, I just downloaded Adam Tow's NewtonID app for trying out
different spellings of my name to see if they generate different Newton
IDs. They don't. No matter how I spell my name, I get the same new
Newton ID - different than the one I registered...
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