Re: [NTLK] 3com 3c589d

From: Rhonda Hyslop (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 11:37:13 PDT

* Robert Masters <> [ 4 May 2004 10:30]:
> I, too, use a D. The key thing is that you have to have all the drivers
> installed, *and* open a connection before you will set the card light
> up.

It can also take a couple of tries... at least it did for me. I have a
589D as well. It didn't get the printer (native appletalk server built
in... I'm getting to like HP Network LaserJets...) listed in the chooser
until the second try, and it didn't get the mac running NCU in the
chooser until the third try, once everything was configured correctly,
but once it found them it worked pretty well. Same thing with a
non-appletalk connection, I tried ChatBuddy and it only managed to get
in touch with the DHCP server on the second try, but once it did find
the server, the connection was quite good.


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