Re: [NTLK] AVIBD MATRIX - Adult Newton Software

From: L A GREEN (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 08:36:47 PDT

WELL i recently spoke to someone on the list that has room i believe about at least putting the images where they can be seen if it wasnt a problem. but if anyone wants to hold an adult section of newton wares i will be more than happy to contribute my collection. im sure now that it has been brought ot the table we shall now get the groups opinion on the matter either here or offlist. i am all for an adult section only because for the most part we are all adults here. i can understand that putting adult wares on unna could be a problem because we are not all adults on the list so if we can figure out an alternative that the group as a whole can deal with i say lets do it.
"Goodwin, Greg" <> wrote:

@><-- >-------------------


Would love to see it. Please do send.

And to everyone else,

Do we need a adult Newton website? I'm tempted to host it, only
because I don't think there is one yet.

Doctor Clu

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