Re: [NTLK] 3com 3c589d

From: Chris Chapman (chrisc_at_CLOUDS.NET)
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 14:28:53 PDT

Hehe.. go to Setup and make a connection for your card.. make sure u select the right card in the pop up list and if its manual/dhcp etc then go back to nethopper and try it

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of J.S.Dennison
Sent: Wed 5/5/2004 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] 3com 3c589d
ok, after installing the farallon drivers, it no longer complains when
i put the card in... now the trick is, how do I find out if I have a
connection, where would I go to look for an IP addy?
I tried using nethopper, it asks for settings, it tries to connect, and
gets the same -61001 error.

what's the next step?
JSD <><
<>< Think Metanoia ><>
On May 5, 2004, at 3:01 PM, Victor Rehorst wrote:

> -Farallon ENet

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