[NTLK] Error woes

From: Matthew Middlebrooke (machead_at_harvestministries.net)
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 16:58:01 PDT

Hi all,
i'm having some errors occuring with my newt that i would like some info on.
1) what is error -54014, i get it if i connect and disconnect the stowaway really quickly(less than three seconds)
do i need to be concerned about it?
2) I have been getting system errors(the kind that restarts the newt without warning). I've noticed that they occur when I've recently deleted packages. The recent times was when i was docked to my computer(after the deletion of packages) and when i was surfing the internet(no deletion at all). I'm running NOS 2.1 w/sys. update 710031. I have 20mb memory card. my internet is a pc card modem(dialup).
 I noticed on a different occasion that right before the restart my memory heap dropped to about 4500(and again right after a deletion of a package).
Again should I be worried? Should i begin to save up for another 2100?

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