[NTLK] Rewriting NewtSync's iCal handling?

From: Sean Luke (sean_at_cs.gmu.edu)
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 15:31:31 PDT

Despite it being an otherwise quite promising program, I've noted quite
a number of errors in NewtSync's handling of iCal entries. I don't
know if it's bugs in NewtSync or in iCal. I hope the former, as that's
doable. Bugs include:

1. Poor to nonexistent handling of multi-day events, including
deleting the events or shortening them to a single day
2. Conversion of all-day events to 8:00 AM meetings
3. Movement of events to the day earlier than they actually were
4. Incorrect handling of iCal when it has just a single calendar
(instead of both work and home)

Additionally, it appears that NewtSync syncs calendars through an
AppleScript interface to iCal, rather than directly modifying iCal's
ics format -- odd as it would seem intuitive to me that editing the ics
file would be the way to go. But these days my time is very limited
(trying to get tenure). So I'm loathe to start work on this stuff
unless absolutely no one else is going after these bugs. Does anyone
have any info that could be provided me on current status here?


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