From: James Nichols (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 10:29:08 PDT
Okay - I swapped my batteries this morning, and things look ok... until
my newton tries to load all the packages on my Linear flash card.
Loading packages freezes about a quarter of the way through. OKay -
'Calvin' was the thing it stopped on an (avi backdrop)
I reboot - hold the stylus at the left side of the screen and select
'no' to activating the packages on the card.
I delete Calvin, eject the card and put it back in. Things freeze again
- on 'Blackjack' this time.
I poke around - and apparently the package that loads After the last
one displayed is causing the freeze - ChatBuddy in this case.
Whenever I try to do anything at all with the chatbuddy package it
gives me an -10011 error
"Operating System Errors: Bad object"
I put in prefs-cleaner and object mover (by SAS) and poked around - I
can't freeze or delete the package, and removing it's preference soup
didn't change anything. I'm stuck - will I have to wipe the card??
Any suggestions for dealing with this?
James T Nichols.
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