Re: [NTLK] I need quick advices please !!!

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 00:16:50 PDT

>i am in the market to buy a biger flash card...32 meg...
>at the Pretec web cite there are 2 different kind of linear card, one
>with the memory thing and the other without, wich is good for the 2100?
>Or should i just go with Paul's program to be able to use ata card...???

Welcome & bon jour!

You may find that buying a large CF card and Paul's ATA Support will be
cheaper than buying a brand new linear 32 MB card.

Used cards can be occasionally found cheaply through Ebay or other venues,
but there it's always a risk of how much use the card has seen before and
how close it is to its end-of-life, aka how many write cycles it has
already served. When buying used, ask if the cards have been used in a
network router - if so, stay clear of them (too many write cycles in short
time, from what people said on this board).
   I have a 28 MB card I'd ordered from the US, it cost me US$ 35,-- incl.
international shipping, I found it through Ebay and I'm happy with it. But
how long will it last?

And another advantage of CF cards is, that you can also use them in other
devices if you do the unthinkable and abandon the Newton platform one day,
so there's a safe investment. Lastly, Paul is thinking about making ATA
Support FAT-compatible, then you could use the same card in your Newton and
a digital camera or MP3 player w/o having to reformat it!

Hope this helps,


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