Re: [NTLK] Newton 2100s on eBay

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 02:31:01 PDT

Yeah, I can easily re-seal a bunch of 2100's and sell them as 'still sealed
in original box'. I have access to sealers, unopened docs., OEM packing
tape, and I can add AMUG-Newton cd's.
Hey, this could be too easy. ;-)
Thanks LAG, I C I 2 I.
>100 with a reserve. and i saw this crazy one for $850 bin it is
supposedly still in the box sealed....sum crazy seller in canada sumthin
navigator. im thinkin only a neewbie that has no idea what he is buying is
bidding on it and on top of that there is a reserve too, but in his defence
if you use the bin there is free shipping and a bunch of s/w u can get for
free from unna or any number of sites online, aint he a nice one. ;-)

!ooW %-)
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