[NTLK] internet/network problems

From: Thomas Isenbarger (isen_at_molbio.mgh.harvard.edu)
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 07:25:42 PDT

hello list:

i have several questions for which i cannot find good answers in the
FAQ or Wiki.

first, can anyone help with using Escale or NewTen over a wireless
Appletalk connection (or TCP/IP for Escale) to a Powerbook with Airport
(no external base station)?

can Mail V be used with .mac mail? when i try to connect to it, i end
up with a slip/box on the screen that says "connected" but as far as i
can tell nothing else is happening. i see that i now have a .mac
mailbox in my InOut, but no messages are in it. also, i cannot stop or
close this "connected" alert so i have to get rid of it by turning the
newton off and back on (and clicking yes on the "do you really want to
shut down while an internet app is running?" alerts that pop up. by
the way, what kind of deleterious effects does this have?) i have
successfully used Mail V with another (POP) mail account, so i know
that at least something is working.

however, sometimes when i am trying to connect to this POP account, the
newton hangs at "connecting to internet". if i try to stop or cancel
this, then i get the blinking star. when i open the star (it is Mail
V), i see the same "connected" box as i have for my .mac account and i
have the same problem of not being able to close it and having to shut
down in order to get back to normal.

also, does anyone have experience with newtVNC? when i open it, i am
presented with a box for entering my connection information. i haven't
been successful in connecting to my powerbook (runnning Share My
Desktop), so that is one problem. the other is how do i try to start
another connection without quitting and restarting NewtVNC again? how
do i get that connection box back from within the program? any other
hints for controlling my powerbook with my newton over VNC? in a
previous post, i asked if anyone has had success with controlling an OS
X machine with a newton via Soybo. i am surprised that i haven't had
any response to that, so i am asking again.

this is probably in the FAQ, but i will ask it here for people's
different opinions. what kind of steps for memory management do you
take? how much internal memory should be free to keep response snappy
and everything running smoothly? what packages should i have installed
internally and what on a card? what data should i keep internally and
what and a card?

I think that is all for now. thanks in advance for the help!

Tom Isenbarger

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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