From: laurie kern (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 14:02:38 PDT
I only use the earthlink webmail when I am away from home. Most nights I download my email into outlook express and remove the emails from the server. I dont have a modem yet and I dont really know if I want to email with my mp but I thought I should ask in case I get the urge...
Thanks for the info!
-----Original Message-----
From: George Bingham <>
Sent: May 14, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Earthlink [was:AOL and Email via Newtons: soon?)
> On May 14, 2004, at 12:55 PM, laurie kern wrote:
> > Is it possible to hook into earthlinke webmail?
Hi Laurie,
It would be possible, but if you're like me, you probably keep
hundereds of emails on your webmail account, so when the Newton goes
to download pop email, it'll see all those hundereds of emails, and
most likely download (at attempt to anyway) to your Newton and viola!
your webmail box will be empty!
So, if you want to do this, either start after having backed up
your webmail account, and / or ensure that you have the simplemail
setting to not remove your emails from the server (I forget the name
of the setting - and I don't use simplemail anymore but use Mail V).
Either way, if you have hundereds of emails stored on your webmail
account, your Newton will have to wade through them at least once,
after that, it'll only care about the new ones.
Just FYI
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