Re: [NTLK] Package Extraction

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 11:23:38 PDT

Quoting John M Powell <>:

> The previous owner of PowerTrans is attempting to export PowerTrans 4 off
> a
> Newton so he can send me the packages. Many of the files are coming off,
> but
> larger files (dictionaries, etc) are having problems. He's using Package
> Buddy. Are there any other ways to export files from his Newton to his PC?
> As soon as he can get them exported, I'll be looking for a few BETA
> testers
> for version 4.0 (must be licensed user).

Well, NewtDump which I wrote a loooong time ago can do this... you just need
to use Sloup on the Newton side though. I can't recall the largest package I
ever exported but it did export complicated packages (like NIE 2.0).

Victor Rehorst - -
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