Re: [NTLK] ON Topic RE OT

From: Sushi (
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 19:08:24 PDT

>On 5/16/04 @ 2:45 AM, Mark Ross wrote:
>Rather than create some complicated issue out of this,
>here's my take being an old timer on this list.
>OT - Conversational or humorous (or humorous attempt)
>subject = tolerated by list
>OT - Serious topic (especially politics and religion)
>= not tolerated by list
>So, if you don't want to start issues with list members,
>follow the simple guidelines above.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Victor needs to clearly put out the rules.

The problem is, where do you draw the line and what are the penalties.

Say the rules state that there will not be any political or sexual
discussion. Then someone posts a message and has this in their signature:

Bush in '04

What does Victor do? Ban them from the list?

Or how about during a good discussion concerning a Newton related
article, someone says that the Newton OS is so sexy it reminds me of

What then?

Right now, a simple reminder to the board, and self-policing might be the
best policy.


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