From: Dan (
Date: Sun May 16 2004 - 09:09:21 PDT
I set the pin to "Ask once per day", and it
>automatically also asks after a reset (haven't seen any setting for that
>but noticed this behaviour, so I reckon it's a built-in security rule). It
>displays the Newton-logo (bulb + "Newton"), my name, international phone
>number (but my office phone, not my home phone), date and hour -- each of
>these three in its own line -- and a number pad to tap the pin on.
>Doesn't display my "Reward for return!"-message, though.
>How can I get this sorted out so it displays the home number and my message
>and *not* the office number?
Ok first the setting for how often it asks for the PIN (once a day, at every
reset, or every power on) is in preferences where you set the pin in the
first place (security in preferences). As for why it does not display the
proper number, it appears that the Newton only displays the first work
number. So the way around this is to go into owner info, and the first work
number have your "Reward for return" then the phone number. And don't
bother with the extension. Then in the owner info, add another phone and
set it to work and put the proper work phone number there. This way you
have the number in your owner info (for call logging etc), but the Newt will
display your message when powered on.
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