Re: [NTLK] [OT] Morals?

From: Mike Burrell (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 01:16:10 PDT

on 5/16/04 12:22 PM, Anton Aylward at wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 15:15, Mike Burrell wrote:
>> Only trouble, Melvin, is that 'moist' people here are irritated about my use
>> of Scripture (just as you so nobley quoted) and very few are irritated about
>> the continued propulgation of pornography.
> Its not your 'quotes' that irritate, its telling people what they should
> believe, and that if they don't believe in the same way you do that they
> are somehow deficient.
Did I say someone here was deficient? By the way, are you not doing that to
me with this entire reply?

> Pornography, by comparison, is just there. Its doesn't argue with you.

Sure it does if it is your child it is exposed to or if it is your child
that is involved.

> Its rather like telling someone her on the list that he's a useless
> piece of s**t because he uses something other than a Newton and MAC.

I never did anything of the sort. Please feel free to point out where I put
anyone down by my use of the Bible.

> All we're asking is that you don't hold your world view to be an
> absolute.

Just YOUR view as absolute, right?

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