Re: [NTLK] OT on the list and in the digest

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 06:29:45 PDT

flying canoe wrote:
> Another approach would be to increase the number of listmoms and share the
> work amongst them. This approach is used by the Mac-L list which is one of
> the best Mac troubleshooting lists for those who are not sysadmins. On that
> list, the 5 ListMoms take shifts in monitoring the list and when they judge
> that when a thread has strayed and does not have enough core content in it,
> they kill it at the server so that no more posts make it thru to the list.
> This approach might sound harsh compared to the freewheeling ways of the
> NTLK list but it actually works very well, especially for those on digest.

I'd be interested to know the technical aspects behind that, as IMHO it's
simply not possible to do with e-mail without annoying people. I can block a
thread by message IDs, but someone can just post a new message that isn't a
reply. Subject line filtering is also troublesome.

I had a look at that list and it looks like they are running Lyris for list
software. Commercial :( However I love their list FAQ and I think I'll be
lifting a few points from there...

> I have only recently subscribed to NTLK and have been surprised by its
> vitality and high level of traffic. Since I am a newbie to the newton, I am
> trying to soak up what I can, so I am not complaining, just offering another
> perspective :)

Thanks! Perspective is always welcome.

Victor Rehorst - -
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