Re: [NTLK] Newton Modem (cigarette pack-sized one)

From: George Bingham (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 06:58:43 PDT

On Tue, 18 May 2004 09:38:43 -0400, Victor Rehorst
<> wrote:
> Nick M. wrote:
> > Does it require an AC adapter to run? I tried with 2 AA batteries and
> > it wouldn't work... low batteries maybe?
> It should work with two AAs. If not it might be toast or the battery
> connections are broken. I don't know the specs for the AC adapter.

I hope I am not wrong, but I could swear that the 'cigarrette pack'
modem could use the Newton power adaptor.

I just tested this and it worked. I used the modem to fax myself a few
notes, once with battery and power adaptor, once with just battery,
and once after removing the battery and using just the power adaptor.
I used the power adaptor with the folding plug (which I think is the
more powerful of the two varieties of power adaptors).


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